Maria Larisa

Maria Larisa

Desi aveam mare frica de mersul la dentist, dupa vizita la cabinetul “Molarul de 6 ani”, acesta teama a disaprut. Niste oameni extraordinari si cu suflet mare, lucreaza cu mare atentie sa iti redea zambetul pe buze.

Cristian Alexandru

Pana sa ajung aici, nu credeam ca exista mersul al dentist fara durere. Uite ca se poate 🙂

Diana Pop

Great co workers, really good environment and excellent patient care. They are continuously innovating themselves which is why they remain a premier dental clinic.

Alexander Payn

I just wanted to thank you again for saving my life. If it hadn’t been for you and the ECT, I truly don’t think that I would have made it out of my depression.